EASE 2 Status Update (24/1/2011)



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Nov 16, 2008


“Mio Kula, Avril Kula, 因为“kula”这个姓时常引起我对你的种族起了各种猜测。你们到底是什么人?你们的老爸(Kulapika)是什么人?你们的家族有着什么血统?”


因此我们便开始了Research of Self-Origin(听起来很好笑、很悲哀),经过一番调查研究后,我们终于知道我们是什么种族了……



In Hawaiian, the word
"kula" give the meaning of — field, open area
kula mau'u: meadow, field of grass


Hawaii is a set of islands in the Pacific, and this can explained why our dad love the beach and ocean so much.

"Mio" come from Japanese word, which give the meaning of……something like - beautiful feather.
美羽=Mio=beautiful feather

Maybe the reason why she likes Japanese custom so much is because she is somewhat related to Japanese.

In facts, the Japanese are one of the major and most influential ethnic groups in Hawaii.

美羽=Mio=beautiful feather=Japanese
Hawaiian related to Japanese, which mean

美羽=Mio=beautiful feather=Japanese=Hawaiian (which mean i'm a Hawaiian?!)
Mio Kula=beautiful feather like the grass field of t
he meadow? (Unbelievable)

But there are still some conflict findinds such as:

1) my name "Avril", in French it give the meaning of April.
Avril Kula=a field of grass in April? (not make sense...)
But is this mean that i'm related to French? Holy crap!

2) my dad's name "pika" appears to be derived from the Tungus "piika", or perhaps from the Russian "pikat'", to squeak. The name "pika" (archaically spelled pica) is used for any member of the Ochotonidae, a family within the order of lagomorphs, which also includes the Leporidae (rabbits and hares). Pikas are also called rock rabbits or coneys. It is also known as the "whistling hare" due to its high-pitched alarm call when diving into its burrow. The pika may look like a hamster, but is actually a cousin of the rabbit.

Let's say we are Hawaiian, so
"kula" and "pika" together give the meaning of - the rock rabbit of the meadow

But why there is a name of animal in his name? What on earth is my Granpa thinking? Are we somewhat related to a Russian? A French? Or maybe an Ochotonidae, a rock rabbit?! (But think again, we have cute round eyes like rabbits, especially me Avril, and being a rabbit is not so bad after all right? Or maybe not, whatever...)

But sir name is the most important one in identifying an ethnicity, so we can ignor the other findings. So we are not a French nor Russian, or even rock rabbits, this mean that we are truely a Hawaiian?


Maybe a Hawaiian we are, but only God knows whether it is true or not.

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