EASE 2 Status Update (24/1/2011)



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Dec 12, 2012



Sep 12, 2012

To the world that enlighten me, the Power and the minute soul, I question you all...

Is it hard to understand my thought?
Is it strange for me to tend over you?
Is it difficult to be as strong as I am?
Is it a taboo to be paradoxical to dominance?

...then softly I heard HIS voice whispering in my head.

Not hard at all for people to understand you, but first you have to understand their thought, then open up your mind, then only we can understand you.

Not strange at all for you to tend over me, but my denial is a testify that I hold greater zeal over you.

No, you are not strong at all, word is not an arbiter, just saying that you are strong doesn't mean you are strong in reality. Through guiding the lost one, protecting them, put back a smile on their faces, then I will say, YES, YOU ARE STRONG.

Who define what is taboo and what is not? Who set the rules? Yes, the dominance. For those who are scared, everything that is dark looks like a ghost and for those who are suspicious, everything that is different looks wrong. But, who decide your future? Nor ME, nor the dominance,

it is you, YOU YOURSELF !

As long as you never stray from the path of light, even if you walk paradoxical from the crowd, no matter how far you travel, you won't fall into the dark abyss, light will always shine upon you.

I hold my hand, I pray.

Sep 9, 2012

懒人做事就是一直说:“ Daijoubu da, mon dai nai!! ”

它的病况在这几天里渐渐恶化,时不时就发出响亮的嘈杂声,风扇处还会漏水,喷到整个门都是水。温度还很低,连滴水都结成冰了!!!我们已经问过support service的职员,他老是说一句同样的话,“Daijoubu da, mon dai nai !! 还可以用的。” 你说气不气死我们呢?!他们就是要等到它完全宣布死亡时才去找个新雪柜,拜托!!这种雪柜不便宜的啊!临时临刻怎样去找来个代替品呢?那么里面的药物怎么办??头痛头痛。。。

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